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How to Make Meetings Work!

  • Wed 05 September 2018
  • Books

UPDATED: 12 Oct 2020

Here's my mindmap on the very helpful book "How To Make Meetings Work!" by David Straus and Michael Doyle. Click the image to open a mind map hosted on the XMind website. Or save the image as a file on your local disk.

How to Make Meetings Work mindmap

Steps to a better meeting

Also copying an appendix from the book, slightly updated for the online reality.

Before the Meeting

1 - Plan the meeting carefully: who, what, when, where, why, how many.
2 - Prepare and send out an agenda in advance.
3 - Come early.

At the Beginning of the Meeting

4 - Start on time.
5 - Get participants to introduce themselves and state their expectations for the meeting.
6 - Clearly define roles.
7 - Review, revise, and order the agenda.
8 - Set clear time limits.
9 - Review action items from the previous meeting.

During the Meeting

10 - Focus on the same problem in the same way at the same time.

At the End of the Meeting

11 - Establish action items: who, what, when.
12 - Review the group memory.
13 - Set the date place of the next meeting and develop a preliminary agenda
14 - Evaluate the meeting.
15 - Close the meeting crisply and positively.
16 - Clean up and rearrange the room.

After the Meeting

17 - Prepare the group memory.
18 - Follow-up on action items and begin to plan the next meeting.